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Control of Unexpected Mucor lusitanicus in Litchi Fruit by Hydrocooling with Hypochlorous Acid and Cold Storage


Liu, I.-F.; Lin, H.-L.; Chen, C.-L.  Horticulturae 2025, 11, 83.

Date: 2025


Litchi fruit spoils quickly due to browning and fungal decay. Traditionally, sulfur dioxide (SO₂) is used to prevent this, but it has health risks. This study tested hypochlorous acid (HClO) as a safer alternative. Lab tests showed that 40 mg/L HClO or temperatures below 1°C stopped fungal growth. In real conditions, litchi treated with HClO and stored at 5°C had minimal decay after 21 days. Cooling within 8 hours of harvest reduced spoilage and maintained quality. This method helps extend litchi’s shelf life, making it a safe alternative to SO₂ for better food safety and storage.